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How to Accept an EDU Invitation

How to accept an EDU invitation to join a School

Kim Smith avatar
Written by Kim Smith
Updated over 10 months ago

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With the EDU group plan option, a Teacher (admin) may send you an invitation to be added as a member on their plan in their EDU School.

The admin may invite you either by sending an email or by sharing a Join Code (url). If you don't have a NaturalReader account yet when you receive your invite, you can create one while you join.

Accepting an Invitation by Join Code

If you have been sent a Join Code link, click on the link to begin.

  1. If you're not logged in, you will be taken to the sign-up page. If you don't have a NaturalReader account yet, complete registration first by following the sign-up steps and login afterwards from the same window

  2. If you already have a NaturalReader account, select Login and proceed to login to your account

  3. Once you're logged in, confirm your addition to the School by selecting Join

  4. You've now joined the School! You can then select whether to get redirected to the Web App, download the mobile app for iOS or Android, or go to the Chrome Web Store to install the Chrome Extension

Accepting an Invitation by Email

Rather than a link, you may instead be emailed an invitation to join.

  1. Once you receive your invitation email, select Accept

  2. You will first be sent to the sign-up page. If you don't have a NaturalReader account yet, complete registration first. Be sure to register using the same email address the invitation was emailed to and login once you finish registering. If you are already registered, select Login Instead and login to your account.

  3. Once you've logged in, you have joined the School! If you've been added as a Student user, you can then select whether to get redirected to the Web App, download the mobile app for iOS or Android, or go to the Chrome Web Store to install the Chrome Extension. If you're been added as as Teacher user, you will be directed to the EDU Management settings.

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