Pronunciation Editor
Use word substitution with the Pronunciation Editor to fine-tune your reading. This feature requires registration to access, which is free.
Be sure you're logged in first before accessing the feature.
Launch the extension by clicking on NaturalReader's logo from your pinned extensions or selecting NaturalReader from your extension list
Open the Settings
Select Pronunciation
You will get redirected to the NaturalReader's online web app. Open the menu by clicking in the 3 dots and select Pronunciation
Select Add New
Enter the word/phrase you want to replace under Original Word. Enter the word/phrase you want to replace it with under Replaced Word
Press play to test how it sounds. Press the Speaker icon to change the test voice (different voices may pronounce words/phrases differently)
Select whether your setting should ignore word boundaries. When you’re done, select Save then Close to exit.
Your Pronunciation Editor settings will apply while reading from the web app, mobile app, and Chrome extension.
What does ignore Word Boundary mean?
Turning ignore Word Boundary on makes it not take spaces or word boundaries into account when replacing words or symbols. In most normal cases, you do not need this setting turned on.
For example, if you had a setting to replace “eat” with “drink”, then any instance of the word “eat” will be replaced with “drink”. But when ignore Word Boundary is turned on, it will replace any instance of “eat” that occurs within other words too. So something like “sweat” would be replaced with “swdrink”.
You can use ignore Word Boundary for special cases like reading math equations. For example:
x = 2/3
You can add a P.E. setting to replace / with “over”. But without ignore Word Boundary turned on, the setting won’t apply because there are no spaces around the /. The setting would apply only when / is by itself. So after turning ignore Word Boundary on, it will be read correctly as “x equals 2 over 3”.
Tip: Different voices may pronounce certain words or letter combinations differently. Be sure to test your P.E. settings using your favourite voice and try different spellings or combinations to get the pronunciation you want.
Convert to MP3
Convert your text into downloadable audio mp3s for personal use only. This feature requires a subscription to access (Premium, Plus, or EDU). Converting to mp3 is limited to 1 million characters per month per user. For multi-page documents, 20 pages may be converted at a time.
Be sure you are logged in before accessing the feature.
Go to the webpage you wish to convert from
Launch the extension by clicking on NaturalReader's logo from your pinned extensions or selecting NaturalReader from your extension list
Open the Settings
Select MP3
It will extract the text from the webpage and redirect you to the NaturalReader web app. Open the menu by clicking on the 3 dots then select Convert to MP3
Review your voice selection, speed, and character counter. Click Convert Now to start the conversion.
After the conversion is complete, select Download to download the mp3 to your device. By default it will save to your computer’s Downloads folder.
Tip: Audio downloads are saved to your account for 30 days. Please be sure to download your mp3 promptly.
Tip: If your audio conversion is having problems completing, try going to Account > Reset NaturalReader. After it refreshes, login and try again.
Upload Document
Read from your own text documents using the Upload Document feature.
Launch the extension by clicking on NaturalReader's logo from your pinned extensions or selecting NaturalReader from your extension list
Open the Settings
Select PDF
You will be redirected to NaturalReader's online web app. Drag and drop your document or text file, or select Open Documents to choose a document to upload.
Press Play to listen
Supported text files are: PDF, txt, doc(x), ppt(x), pages, ods, odt, and non-DRM epub files.