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Managing Team Members (Commercial Version)

Adding and removing users to your Team Plan and modifying user roles for the commercial version AI Voice Generator

Kim Smith avatar
Written by Kim Smith
Updated over 8 months ago

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Visit our About User Management article for a detailed introduction on how team management works in the AI Voice Generator.

The subscription Owner or Admins can invite or delete other users as well as change users' roles.

All users must create their own NaturalReader account by registering with an email address.

Users don't need to have an existing NaturalReader account when you send them an invitation. If they are not already registered, they will be guided through the process during the invitation process.

When they access your Join Code or Invite Email, they will be given the option of either registering or logging in to proceed.

There are 2 methods for inviting users to your Team Plan: Sharing a team code link (URL) or inviting a user (or users one at a time) by email.

Inviting Users by Sharing a Team Code

This is the quickest and easiest way to invite members to join your Team simply by sharing a Team Code URL. You can use this method to invite a single user or multiple users.

Your Team Code expires after 3 weeks. You can generate a new code at any time.

  1. Open the app and while logged in, select Accounts from the left panel menu

  2. Select Teams

  3. Select Add Member

  4. Select Join in with team code

  5. It will show you your Team Code, which expires periodically. If the code is expired, select Generate a New Code

  6. Select Copy Link to copy the URL

  7. Share the URL with with any user you'd like to invite.

    Invited users don't have to already have a NaturalReader account registered. When they access the link, they will be prompted to either login or register to continue.

Inviting Users by Email

Send an email invite to a single user to join your team. If you plan on inviting multiple users, you can send 1 invite email at a time to each individual member.

  1. Open the app and while logged in, select Accounts from the left panel menu

  2. Select Teams

  3. Select Add Member

  4. Select Invite with email address

  5. Input the email address of the user you'd like to invite. Do not use capital letters.

  6. Use the drop-down menu to assign the user's role as a Member or an Admin

  7. Select Add to send the invitation email

    Invited users don't have to already have a NaturalReader account registered. When they access the email invite, they will be prompted to either login or register to continue.

Modifying User Roles

By default, users invited through a Team Code are assigned a Member user role. The subscription Owner or an Admin can change a user's role at any time from the Team Management settings.

  1. Open the app and while logged in, select Accounts from the left panel menu

  2. Select Teams

  3. It will open to your Member List. Next to the user's email address, select Options (3 dots)

  4. Select Set as Admin or Set as Member

Removing Users

Remove a user from your team. They can always be invited back again later if needed.

  1. Open the app and while logged in, select Accounts from the left panel menu

  2. Select Teams

  3. It will open to your Member List. Next to the user's email address, select Options (3 dots)

  4. Select Delete Member

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